Milton Church of England Primary School
Milton school is situated on the edge of Cambridge city. It is a larger than average 2 form entry primary school of 388 children. 6.5 % of the children are eligible for free school meals, which is below the national average. 41% of our children are from minority ethnic groups with 31% where English is not their first language. The percentage of minority ethnic pupils has increased by 5% over the past 3 years and we have 35 different languages in school. We celebrate our diverse population and are proud of the achievements of all our children. Attainment on entry is variable by cohort but is generally in line with national. There are 8.9 % children on the SEN register. Currently 4 pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and 30 children have SEN support. We have one looked after child. Attendance is 96.6% which is in line with national. Our parish church, All Saints Milton, is a short walk away from the school. Our vicar Reverend David Chamberlain leads collective worship in school every week and offer us excellent support and guidance. We chose to convert to an academy as a good school within the Diocese of Ely Multi Academy trust (DEMAT) on the 1st June 2017. Our head teacher is an experienced SIAMS inspector and works as a regional adviser for the Diocese of Ely. We have a committed stable staff who tend to move on for reasons of promotions in other schools. We work in partnership with our local cluster of schools as are now developing a wider collaborative network within the schools of DEMAT.