Little Thetford CofE VC Primary School
Our village primary school has been serving the community for over 150 years and has a reputation as a caring, family-orientated community school with close links to the local church. We provide education for children in the village and pupils from Ely and the surrounding area. Our full enrolment is 105 pupils aged 4 – 11 and we offer breakfast and after school care onsite. Currently over half of our pupils are from outside Little Thetford.
We value the sense of a family unit and believe education is a shared process with the home, the school and the community. We strive to make learning fun in a happy and safe environment and invest heavily in staff development.
Just a sample of feedback we have had from families about the school include:-
“I love the fact that the older and younger children have a lot of interaction and that they all look after one another.”
“Reception children love the outdoor learning, building dens, bug hunts, the rope swing and having hot chocolate and toasting marshmallows.”
“The variety of after school activities and school visits is wonderful.”
The school prides itself on enriching the curriculum and offers the children many opportunities beyond the classroom such as forest school, trips to exciting local attractions linked to topics as well as residential trips for our children in Key Stage 2. These include a trip to France for our oldest children.
Our staff enjoy working here and love the family, community feel that our school offers. Our staff turnover is low due to the well behaved and engaged children we have as well as the focus on ensuring a work life balance is retained for all of our staff. We prioritise professional development for all as we believe our school success is about the people within in it and we improve together through structured ongoing support and training.
Little Thetford CE Primary School really is a fantastic place to work so please look out for any upcoming vacancies and come along to have a look around and meet the children and staff.