Alderman Jacobs School

At Alderman Jacobs School  we are committed to providing the best and most up to date learning opportunities for children.  Offering high quality training and continuous professional development for our staff is one of the key ways that we achieve excellent outcomes for all children. Teachers are encouraged to be proactive about their own development and to reflect on how they can continually improve their practice.  Weekly PPA is taken with the year group team and all curriculum leaders have half termly release to develop and implement curriculum actions and monitor progress.  As a result, staff at Alderman Jacobs are enthusiastic and supportive; motivated by a positive work-life balance.

As a large, three form entry school staff benefit from the support of excellent and innovative teachers,  they have access to a wide range of learning resources and are actively involved in developing and implementing different new initiatives and developments such as changes to assessment and curriculum design.

We have a number of specialist teachers, including for maths, music, P.E. and Phonics, who will be able to support you to develop your subject knowledge, develop new teaching strategies and achieve the requirements of the curriculum.

We promote respect and tolerance to others and encourage children to be active participants in their learning.  Behaviour is school is excellent and pastoral care is supported by a Wellbeing team.

Alderman Jacobs School has been graded Good in all areas and is part of a National Pilot for the new Early Years Assessment Framework, we have  supported the DfE’s Disadvantaged Children pilot and we are a strategic partner of the Discovery  Teaching School Alliance and active members of the Cambridge Maths Hub.


